Always a Chance!


  We all have had times when it felt like we weren’t doing any good. At times, maybe we have even felt like a failure; that everything we touched seemed to fall apart. Most of the time though, it is not even as bad as we believe or feel that it is. Satan loves to fill our head with lies, and get us to a depressed state of mind. Once he achieves that, we have no purpose or drive to go fulfill the work that God would love for us to do. Therefore, if he can get us down, he doesn’t have to worry about us doing something for God, and disrupting his plans. If we only would realize how important and how valuable our work for the Lord is, we would not be so apt to give up! 

   God uses us to fulfill his will and help bring others to know him. He also uses us to encourage others and help them keep living this Christian life. We do not have to do it alone. We have power through God and the Holy Ghost dwelling in us, working in us to do the things we need and desire to do. In Philippians 4:13, the Bible tells us that, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” In verse 19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Christ not only strengthens us to do the work, and also supplies our need according to his riches. How rich is God?!? He is by far richer than anything we could even fathom! We have an endless supply that will never run out! Not only will he supply out of his riches, he will reward us for our diligence and our perseverance. Galatians 6:9 states, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” We will most certainly reap the benefits of serving God, but we first must sow the seed. A farmer doesn’t reap a harvest without first plowing the fallow ground, planting the seed, watering, and fertilizing the crop. It takes a lot of dedication and patience to grow a crop. If the farmer gives up at any certain time, he will not reap the benefits and have a harvest. Sometimes, he suffers a crop failure even after doing all that he can. However, he must not give up or else he will never have a harvest, and never reap the benefits. He must go back and sow the field all over again the next year.

  Galatians 6:10 says, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Paul lets us know that there is always opportunity. There is never a time, when the chance to do good is not available. He also lets us know that there is no prerequisite or respect of persons when it comes to people to do good too. He said to all men. He did say to make sure that our fellow Christians received good. If we cannot do good to our own fellow Christians, how do we expect to do good to those in the world, and win them over to Christ. We must set an example to them. So, when you are tempted to give up and give in; just remember there is always a chance to do good, no matter the task or dream! And even when you have a failure, there is always a chance for another harvest!